Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Art Show Reflection 2
Yesterday I went to see Bonnie Veblen's SMP presentation on her artwork. First of all, I was deeply impressed with the artwork itself, which I got to look at for a few minutes before her presentation began. The depth of the detail, maybe not necessarily accurate to the scene itself, but to the painting, and what she was trying to augment was very impressive. I definitely connected with her when she was talking about how art, for her, is about trying to experience the world anew, to reexamine the beauty that is present all around us, especially in the seemingly mundane or everyday things that we no longer notice. When she mentioned how children have no problem doing this, and that we are too busy to any longer take notice of these exquisite wonders, it struck me that also, maybe it was because, for the children, these things were not yet mundane, everyday things, that they had not been here long enough to be able to forget to appreciate them. I also really identified with her answer to one of the questions, which, if I remember correctly, had to do with her mentioning the privateness of the vision that is then manifested on her canvas, and how she reconciles that privateness with sharing it with the rest of the world as a work of art. She said that she is not trying to keep this vision of hers to herself, but wants other people to understand and appreciate it. I think this is one of the main reasons and characteristics of art, much less the human experience. It reminded me of a scene from "Into the Wild", where the hermetic youth is dying of poisonous berries, and jots the note "happiness is real only when shared" in the space between paragraphs of the book he is reading.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Art21 viewings 2
Looking back at the work of Sally Mann, I am struck by her determination in her medium, at least concerning her photography. I was reminded of Robert Frank's work, in how the "mess-ups" and scars on the photographs are not at all hidden, and truly seem to be on purpose a lot of the time, seeming to add grit and/or some type of authenticity to the photographs. But Frank did actually have limited resources, at least more so than Sally Mann, whose work is featured in the Smithsonian among others. But she chooses to shoot in black and white, and not just in black and white, but with a camera modeled after those used in the 1800's, using her hand for a shutter. At first it would seem as if these choices are just creating unnecessary difficulties and obstacles. On the one hand though, it probably makes it that much more rewarding when the result a beautiful picture. And on the other, even if the specific individual scratches and light blots aren't purposefully placed, it definitely seems the methods taken in order to develop the film to appear that way is on purpose. And the ghostly, ethereal images that are produced are really beautiful.
I find Mel Chin's work to really inspiring, in the way he intelligently assimilates so many disparate disciplines, as in the case of KNOWMAD. In doing so, he stretches the notion of what an artist actually is, what an artist makes or does. I think that even if his "works of art" can't or wouldn't normally be considered as works of art, that there is something very artistic in the very act of asking these questions, of stretching those bounds. If art is about taking the viewer away, of forcing them to look at something in a new way, then he is doing this. Not only in his projects, which seem to me to be directed at making the world a better place by bringing attention and aid and art to hurting corners. And this is to be highly admired whether or not it is art.
I have been out West once before, but when I go again, I will go to the Roden Crater, built by James Turrel. His work with light is really fascinating to me, like the corridor of light, called "The Light Inside", where the block's of light appear to be solid, but are not. And of course, the crater, a visionary work, to be able to turn such an empty place, to build a place where light, natural light can be so viewed. Light itself is such a beautiful phenomenon, and to be able to create such interesting ways to look at it, that in turn allow us to look inwards, and upwards, is inspiring.
I feel like I can probably relate most closely with Gabriel Orozco, out of this group of artists that we learned about. I identify with and admire the way he uses any and all mediums not only to give answers, to tell messages, but to ask the questions, so many questions. Like Mel Chin, sometimes I think that it is in asking the questions that the true art, the true human experience comes through. I can relate to this exploration and asking because that is where I am right now in life. Sometimes I feel like I'm not even sure what the question is I'm asking, that I'm trying to answer. Perhaps by making these works, by exploring these questions through such a cathartic process, one may hope to register the actual questions being asked, and may hope to find the answers.
Reflection on the 4 Levels of Meaning and Little Red Robin Hood
According to William Irwin Thompson, there are, especially in regards to fairy tales, four levels of meaning and understanding that are contained within a story. He identifies these four levels as: literal, structural, anthropological, and cosmological. The literal level is exactly what is written on the page, the immediate meanings of the present words, according to the context of the words as a whole group. In his article he uses the example of the story of Rapunzel. The structural level gathers patterns between the present words, matching themes and lines, looking for things that repeat or might be related, while still on the literal level. Here he points out the repeating image of the window, the wall, and the many differing pairs of characters. The anthropological level is the process of organizing these seeming patterns into a coherent whole, the exploration of alternate story lines contained within the literal words of the story. Here he analyzes the possible meanings behind the purpose of the name Rapunzel, the significance of the witch, and the importance of the way it is translated from German, where it is closer to "sorceress," as well as the significance behind the different pairs, and how it points to the old matrilineal world in the figure of the sorceress, and the power she has over the different men, as well as the newborn babe. The cosmological level further expands the possibility of interpretation to the very construction of a world view, pertaining to the relationships between sexes, planets, and different forms of life. Here he continues his examination of the Rapunzel plant, pointing out that it has the capability of reproducing with solely itself, just as the maiden does in the story. He goes on to discuss how this could relate to the issues of pregnancy, and then takes Rapunzel as an allegory of the movements of various celestial bodies through the night sky, as seen by those who originally told the story, through their geo-centric orientation.
In regards to the story of Little Red Riding Hood, I'm not sure there is as much to say, of course I never would have guessed there was so much to say about the story Rapunzel. It was really awesome and impressive actually.
As with most fairy tales, there are multiple versions, as well as translations available, and obviously, many different meanings and understandings can be derived from the stroy simply by which version one chooses. If one were to take the Brothers Grimm version the discussion might follow as such:
Structural: I would point out the recurring image of the cap, the one that the girl wears, and the one that the grandmother, and then the wolf wears. The recurring image of the path as a place of safety and assuredness, straying from the path will bring dire consequences, even if you get flowers first. Like in Rapunzel, there are several pairs: the mother and daughter, the girl and the wolf, the wolf and the grandmother, the girl and the grandmother, the wolf and the hunter.
Anthropological: The case of the cap is difficult, because the color of the grandmother's cap is never specified. However, the red cap of the maiden could very well signify a coming of age, the beginnings of menstruation and the reaching of womanhood. As this tale was being told in pre-Renaissance Europe, the path could have easily resembled the way of Jesus, or more specifically, the way advocated by the Church, that being purity and avoidance of evil; what that evil is, or was, is another discussion. The flowers signify the temptations that can lead one farther and farther off the path, from the way. And this falling away will hurt not only you but those you love.
Cosmological: Just as the red cap could signify the beginning of womanhood, so does the popping from the wolf's stomach, that was so dark and scary. And not only does this signify a coming of age, but it implies a new birth, the spring or the dawn. This makes allusions to the Norse myth of where the sun is swallowed at the end of this age (Ragnarök), to begin the world anew. In connection with Thompson's analysis of Rapunzel, present here is the triad of the maid, the mother, and the old woman, supporting the matrilineal perspective of the sexual awakening and growth of the woman, as represented in the caps. In terms of the relationship between the girl and the wolf, it may be interpreted, also from the matrilineal perspective that males are the interlopers, that the wolf is symbolic of a man, predatory man taking advantage of young maids. In the Grimm's translation the wolf is referred to as an "old sinner" and "greybeard."
Self Portrait Reflection
I think I usually prefer art that is more along the figurative line, where some things are shown and some are left out, some exaggerated, and so forth. I think this is more interesting, because it implies a story, a history of how, and possible why the artist views the subject in such a way, and why he should choose to share this version of it with us. Of course this affects our view of the subject, and perhaps isn't as wise if it is our first encounter with said subject. But in my experience, I make art concerning things that concern me, things that I have an opinion about, and I usually try to communicate that impression or message through my work.
Even in the work of photographer of Ansel Adams, who and whose work I think is spectacular, is if not figurative, altered in order to portray the awe with which he views his natural world.
Then there are times, like in the paintings of early Chuck Close, whose awesome objectiveness and ability to render exact detail is just incredible. And I think what makes these paintings so awesome is that in his ability to render such fine details, he removes the need to add any type of impression or message of his own. He simply lets the power in that face, in those eyes, speak for itself.
As far as my objective portrait goes, I didn't want to simply take one picture of me, straight on, and print it out and paste it on the wall and call it art. That's not art, and it was boring to me. I knew I couldn't draw or paint anything like Chuck Close, though before I saw his work I considered myself to be rather good at drawing faces. I decided to take a picture of my head from each side, except the back, because I couldn't see where my head was in relation to the camera in the computer then. The idea was that I would be able to combine the three images into one, by blurring the divisions between the different curly sections of hair, to make them appear unified. To make this work, I later realized I'd need to combine the necks as well, and this makes the image look a little awkward. However, since it is meant as an objective portrait, there is no real significance behind the unified neck. It is possible that a viewer, might gather a message anyways, possibly that, figuratively, I look in many directions at once.
For the subjective portrait, I wanted to totally abandon any outward appearances. I did construct the symbols in the formation of a head however, in order to identify the picture as a portrait, as well as to communicate the idea that it is these things that combine to form a unified whole: me. I did retain one outward vestige: the eyes. Eyes are very important to me, because they are what most honestly express a person's sentiments. They are unique to the individual, and I think that they, more than anything else, are what give animation to the face. All of the other images included in the subjective portrait were things from my life that are immediately special about and to me. Obviously I left a lot of important things out, which I may add.
Digital Pictionary Reflection
I was really excited about the Digital Pictionary project, when I heard about it. Back when I was at home, my family used to play that a lot. Of course, when you are playing the game, you want your partner to be able to guess whatever word or concept you are trying to describe through images, so that you can win. This project was so exciting for me, to be able to try be more ambiguous, and clever. To present a solid stash of information that in context would obviously point to whatever word I was given. But hopefully, out of context, would be much more unclear.
When I learned that we were supposed to make three different takes on the project, so whoever was guessing would have a wider base off of which to guess, it worried me a little that I wouldn;t be able to make that many. However, I realized that, though this presented a challenge, it was a very good challenge, and forced me to work and think outside the box. In the end, I lucked out, with the word "ironic", which, in regards to English and grammar, actually has exactly three different types of manifestation: verbal, situational, and dramatic irony. This was perfect.
Of course, in trying to represent these three different aspects through images, the lines were no longer so sharp: I could not actually represent verbal irony, truly, without audio. So I used the picture of the guy with the fingers crossed behind his back, implying a lie. But then, whoever is looking at the picture knows he is lying, and the guy he is lying to doesn't, and so it becomes dramatic irony.
It took awhile for concrete ideas to start formulating, but once they started it was easy. I made the situational irony one first, then the verbal, then the dramatic. One of the first ideas I had was of the curbside prophet actually witnessing the end, whatever that was. I couldn't find any suitable picture of one (I looked through a lot of Non Sequitur comics), so I drew one. After that it was easy to assemble common images from an imagined apocalypse. Again, my concept for the verbal irony image centered on the fingers crossed behind the back and the silver tongue to signify lying. Hyperboles are a common form of verbal irony, and so I included the image of the snake that had eaten a horse, rather than just stating "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" The dramatic irony was really simple actually, with the audience watching as the thief snuck up behind the unsuspecting girl. It was interesting because, in terms of the three images as a group, this one seemed to throw people off the most. In the background of the third one, was the text "this year?" and then "nope" repeated 8,000 times. Ideally it would have been able to fit 1,000,000 times, to represent the hyperbole "not in a million years."
Robert Frank Exhibit Reflection
I really enjoyed the visit to the Robert Frank exhibit. I had heard of his work prior to this class, but I had never actually studied it, or learned about Frank himself. It was really interesting to learn of his earlier work in Peru, where he began focusing on the people, and the everyday living of the everyday person, rather than the grand scenery or famous monuments, and how these orientations and experiences informed his later work, specifically "The Americans". I was drawn to his work because of how raw it is, and how simple. The shots are not set up or conceived at all, but truly spontaneous photography, capturing things that he saw that interested him. It is amazing how much you can observe and learn about people by just sitting back and watching, and his work exemplifies this for me.
He is not actually showing us anything new. He is truly just a passerby, a nobody, and is not taking pictures in places where anybody couldn't go. He is merely taking the time to point out that those things are there to see, and that maybe they are worth taking second look at. By taking the time to photograph such "mundane" or "marginalized" things, he is immediately giving them worth, and asking if maybe they should be given more as it is. This is, I think, why the work has had such lasting affect. It is easy to forget what you are not looking at.
Another thing that struck me was the way they were not essentially individual pictures, but a group of and groups of pictures. Rather than immediately hitting you with a message, Frank's or not, (although there were some that did, for me at least), whatever that message was seemed to slowly wash over you as you took in the whole exhibit, or at least the different sections.
Whether it was intentional or not, this seemed to me to imply the grandness perhaps of the human life, these pictures of little, overlooked, everyday places, slowly combining to allow us to form a new vision of America, those little, overlooked, everyday things, making up the essence and foundations of our lives.
It was also really cool to learn that Jack Kerouac wrote the Introduction to the book. Last semester I read The Dharma Bums and On the Road, both by Kerouac, and this led me to have a deeper admiration for Frank's work, after seeing the way Kerouac appreciated it, myself greatly admiring Kerouac and his opinion.
Scrap Book 22
Scrap Book 21
Scrap Book 20
Scrap Book 19
Scrap Book 18
Monday, April 20, 2009
Artist 11

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Artist 10

In the New Media Art article the pointlessness of the ASCII format is repeatedly referred to, and I'm not sure what he means when he says his experiments with ASCII are carefully directed at their full uselessness from the viewpoint of everyday high tech and all its consequences. I don't know how to go about adapting film into ASCII format, but I imagine that it is not that easy, or else I think he would have done more than five films so far. And if this takes that much work, than why do it if one's view of of it is that it is pointless and purposeless. This seems contrary to the whole point of art to me, that one creates art because one is driven to build, to create, and this inspiration is a purpose in itself, much less whatever kind of message that that creation emits. Perhaps that message in regards to Cosic's art is purposelessness.
Artist 9

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Scrap Book 17
Scrap Book 16
Scrap Book 15
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Scrap Book 14

Scrap Book 13

Artist 8

Artist 7

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Scrap Book 12
This photograph itself, on the other hand, may be called artistic. I took this picture on the path to the Campus Center. For its symmetry and the contrast between the light and dark shades, it has many commonly artistic qualities.
Scrap Book 11
Artist 6

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Scrap Book 10

Artist 6

Scrap Book 9

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Artist 5

Scrap Book 8
Scrap Book 7
Monday, February 23, 2009
After Life Reflection
When I think about this film, all I come out with are questions. Questions like, okay they're here now, but then they leave? Well, where do they go then? And where the heck did all those video tapes come from? And are the camera men and movie production people dead? Where do they come from? When the girl goes walking in the city, is she invisible to the other "live" citizens? And what about that sky hole in the hallway? One day there's snow falling through the open hole, and another day the moon is painted on a hole cover that a weird old man suddenly lifts off, and receives no surprise from the girl?
I thought it was really interesting, and clever in terms of plot line, that those who could not choose a memory, or chose not to choose a memory, were the ones who facilitated the recording of the memories for the newly dead.
I also really admired the way so much was said without any dialogue, or even music (brooding music when something bad is about to happen; swells of strings when you're supposed to cry) that are such cues in western movies. So much was said simply through body language, in subtle facial expressions, and in the girl's anger on the snow covered roof. This was especially prominent in the relationship between the girl and the guy who ends up leaving at the end, having chosen his memory.
And that brought up another interesting thing: well, one has memories after one dies? And if that memory is all that one has afterwards, can one also remember all of their lives up to that point, for back when they were alive, at that moment, they could recall most of their lives surely? Or is it merely that one instant and nothing more?
That seems like it would be a bleak heaven, if that's in fact where they are going. Although, if one is like that one gentleman, to be able to forget truly would be heaven.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Scrap Book 6
Scrap Book 5
Artist 4

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Reflection on the 20 Lines
It was interesting to think about each individual line communicating a meaning or a sentiment simply through its color and and its "personality." I tried to mix it up and experiment with different colors, and the sentiments of the individual lines by varying the line length and the speed with which I drew these lines. Even still afterwards it seemed that the lines all seemed rather similar. I noticed the same thing about quite a few of the other papers on the wall. A lot of the "B"'s seemed to be congregated around smooth, soft, and mostly thicker lines. This was interesting because, for me too, these stood out the most usually on the papers - also, these larger, softer lines tended to have brighter, happier colors, which made them more noticeable as well. The "F"'s seemed to follow the same general guidelines, being attracted to the brighter, more noticeable lines. However, whereas the "B"s tended to be single direction lines, the "F"s seemed to be more like individual designs within themselves. i put my "F" next what seemed to be a spider web. The "NT"s were definitely the most diverse. It seemed to me that the concept of what was actually traditional was uncertain, at least in regards to this scenario, and so everybody interpreted it differently.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Artist 3

Scrap Book 4

I do not know how many exit signs are in the world, but I know that there are two in my hallway alone, and besides that one is red and one green, they are completely identical. Such entities have been made in the millions, all alike, so that they are uniform in their message. The man who built this did not use any originality, and thus it is not art. Most likely, they are no longer built by men, but rather by machines. Even if it is not art, these exit signs are actually very important to the safety of individuals in our society. Though we probably don't notice them half the time, because they are everywhere, it seems that in time of distress or danger they could become extremely helpful to survival, if thats the case.
Scrap Book 3

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Growing Up Online - in response to
I think that social networking has not actually changed that much since the advent of MySpace and Facebook. Before such phenomena, social networking, through technology, extended to phone calls and emails and fax machines. These were used to contact friends and acquaintances, send information, and perform tasks that had previously been carried out all on paper. Really, MySpace and Facebook could be seen as the next logical step in this progression. For that is what it is. It is not a break from the way things were done, it is merely the result of the incorporation of newer, more advanced technology. This new technology has made these previously difficult process of exchanging information a breeze, extending the possibilities and creating a more immediate experience for those using these technologies. Thus, we have virtual worlds.
Friend: It gives you a personal web page where you can basically put however much or little information you want about yourself. Mostly its a way to be able to connect with people, especially people you don't see everyday, like friends who went to a different college or something.
Parents: Its just a really convenient way to be able to talk with friends not going to college; to be able to stay somewhat in touch with them, its good. And its safe, too, you can set it up so that no one can see your information without you accepting their "friend request."
Grandparents: It allows me to talk with friends far away, to maintain that contact. Haha, the world is still getting smaller.
Teen from the 50's: Imagine that chick you dig, right, the one from up town, goes away to college in like California or something, k? Now imagine that you could still talk to her, every night even, if you wanted to, and she wanted to. You wouldn't be able to hear her voice, but you would send her a note and she'd see it immediately, and then write back! And she would able to read your handwriting too haha. cool eh?
Obviously Facebook compartmentalizes the way one displays images and/or info on the page, but that because it is basically a template. I think this is a good thing, personally, just because it makes the exchange of that information more efficient and effective, because everyone's page is constructed the same. I think if one wished to alter the design of the page then they should probably make their own actual page.
Marshall McLuhan's statement that "medium is the message", in regards to a Facebook page, is implying, if I understand it correctly, that this phenomena of social networking through the world wide web will have similar consequences, regardless of the information/images that are or aren't displayed. For the essence of McLuhan's argument is that it is not what you present but how you present it that makes all the difference. Now, this has also been said in terms of quality: obviously something will have a different impact depending on the level of professionalism that is put into the work. But McLuhan is referring specifically to the medium, whether it be film, paper, online, as the ultimate decider of the type of influence whatever is being presented will have. For example, because communication through Facebook is so relatively immediate, language has been adapted to suit that speed, and thus we have btw, lol, brb, etc. Not only is the actual communication immediate, but so is the accessibility of the information: birthday, school, favorite bands, email, and everything like that. This makes everything very open. Which is interesting because, at least in the documentary, many parents feel that as threatening, a sort of nakedness, if taken too far. I think if these parents have grounds to argue that point, it is in the proliferation of images and pictures. These are highly accessible, at least to accepted friends, and in some cases document far-reaching details into the individual's life. However, in my experience, this openness seems to be largely confined to the web, and the traditional western standard of personal space and everything like that is very much still alive.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Scrap Book 2

The only purpose of this electrical box, located next to the path behind Dorchester is to allow an electrician access to the underground wires and cables providing Dorchester with electricity. They are an essential piece to the functionality of the mechanism. However, if it was not essential, and maintenance of the cables could be performed some other way, then this electrical would probably be done away with. In essence, it is only there because it needs to be, not because someone was inspired to put it there. And as far as I can tell the pole serves absolutely no purpose, except possibly to support the box, which seems to be leaning. They are not meant to attract attention and are supposed to be and stay out of the way.
They were not the manifestation of any inspiration, but out of necessity. And they take us nowhere, rather, they try to avoid our awareness. But their unforeseen inclusion in the frisbee golf course, they would do so very well.
Scrap Book 1

OPUS - RAQs Media Collective

RAQs Media Collective is not the work of one or even a group of artists, but rather it is a community of artists and critics, all participating in a communal growth project. As described in the New Media Art Wiki, it is sort of a Utopian experience. Artists submit their work, and other artists are free to view, critique, and adjust, or appropriate these works in order to further their own works. The hindrances of licensing and such have been done away with, and everyone is free to everything submitted. The creators of OPUS describe it in a genetic metaphor, where the original artwork is the parent, and when the original has been adjusted to produce a child, it not a defacement or anything negative, but a new manifestation, its own work, that indeed drew some of its material from the parent. In truth, I think this pretty much what has been happening in art since the beginning of time, since the beginning of artistic expression in humanity. But I think this site has great potential, because it provides an outlet for often amateur and less connected artists, and an extremely direct way to be exposed to the work of peers, of fellow artists, creating a community where everyone can benefit from the communal interaction. If Art is about sharing ones personal vision with the world, then there should be no selfishness inherent in that, for the creation of Art is the ultimate act of sharing oneself with the world. This is a brilliant example of this principle, and I hope it inspires more forums that perform similar functions. link to the site
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Purpose of Art
Earlier in the semester we were contemplating what art actually is. It seems that to define the purpose of art is to contemplate the same question, almost. Yet for some reason, this one does not seem as complicated. However, if we can adequately identify what the purpose of art is, we could apply that answer to the actual identity, and perhaps move in the direction of finding a definition for art. In his article "What is Art For?", Mr. Waldemar Januszczak declares that the purpose of art is to "get us out of here", to transport one from his comfortable, habitual state of being. To ask a question that may not change his outlook on life, but may indeed force him to reconsider his stance on that outlook, thus making him more sure of himself. I like this definition, however, I would also include what I mentioned in the above entry: that art is a force working through the individual that manifests itself in a tangible subject. This subject or object, no matter how abstract, asks the viewer a question, tells a story, does something very unexpected, and in doing so "gets us out of here."
Monday, February 2, 2009
Art21 viewings
After watching the mini-documentaries on these varied artists, I came much closer to a conclusion that I think I've been approaching for a while: that everyone is an artist, and art is a force that manifests itself in aesthetic and more or less tangible form; that rather than just the manifestation, it is the force. And this force courses through the individual who creates these pieces. Thus the extremely varied takes and choices, the myriad works of what we call art. For example, Vija Celmins is a painter who paints often repetitive scenes, often from nature, and many times over. In the documentary she claims to have painted a shot of the night sky, with each and every star, about ten times or so. She finds a challenge in the level of accuracy she can reach in her paintings. I know that I'd probably soon go mad taking on a piece like that. But she is compelled to paint these paintings, and this force inspires her. Elizabeth Murray, also a painter, takes an almost opposite approach. She begins with a vague sketch in her book, which is then made into a three dimensional composite of shapes. It seems that the shapes retain their shape for the most part. However, she seems to have little idea of how the shapes will be painted. She just keeps painting it, changing it and changing until she reaches some sort of satisfaction and it's done, and the force compelling her to paint is sated. Anne Hamilton works in the medium of cloth and film. I really liked the analogy she drew about the cloth, that even when it is a giant woven fabric, you can still pick out each individual thread, and they are united. I find her work to be especially poetic, as in the Myein installation in 1999 in the US Pavilion for the Venice bicentennial. Each of her pieces tells a story, and even from piece to piece, this force of inspiration finds a different pathway through her heart. Bruce Nauman seems to defy any categorization, in the conventional way, for he too seems to do whatever he may feel. But that in and of itself is an expression of his soul, a manifestation of some unknown force inside. Matthew Barney works primarily with film, and these films that he's made actually all flow into each other, and are all part of the same master work. They are extremely strange, and extremely poetic, and an extremely unique vision all his own, that he is sharing with the world, through the manifestation of his art.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Reading In-Class Images
Today in class we analyzed sets of six pieces, each group united by a common theme. At first these themes were not so apparent, given the very wide range of styles and mediums that the different pieces used. However, then it became clear that the messages of the individual pieces shared ideas with each other. The six pieces in my groups set all commented on the state of pop culture and the western world. In terms of mediums, these pieces ranged from late 19th Century paintings: The Scream, by Edvard Munch, to a still from the music video for Madonna's song Material Girl, which was in itself an appropriation of a scene from a Marilyn Monroe film as she sings Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend. And this was also a common theme within my set, for besides The Scream, each piece made acute and/or obtuse references to another famous piece of artwork, to further the message of the piece: one of the other pieces was a mural depicting 20th Century martyrs who had died fighting for their cause, all sitting around a long white table, as the Last Supper is commonly depicted.
Monday, January 26, 2009
week 2: artist 1

This is a work by Wolfgang Staehle. It depicts the destruction of the WTC in 2001 in four sequenced photographs. It progresses from a sky blue city-scape with the Towers holding sway over the skyline. By the end of the sequence, they have completely disappeared from view, leaving a seeming peace again over the skyline. I was drawn to this work because of the significance of the event it depicts: one of the most important events, internationally, of my generation. I admire the simplicity and honesty with which it is presented, which makes it very heavy. To one ignorant of what is actually going on in these pictures, there may not be much to gather. They would have no idea that here was the beginning of the 21st Century, the War on Terrorism, and all of the resulting consequences. Thus the observations made by Buster and Crawford in The Critique Handbook: the differences between denotation and connotation. Denotation: a pair of towers imploding, collapsing to the ground. Connotation: The Twin Towers at the hour of tragedy, the death of thousands and the beginning of an era. This project was conceived to document the changing of the light, and the passing of the day on the two towers. On that note, it qualifies as art, according to Wollheim, quoted in What is Art?, the artist had a purpose, and so created his art. On the other, Davidson would probably not perceive this as art, as he does not consider the cave drawings to be art. I agree that this is more a documentation of history than a creation, the manifestation of an idea. However, because of the aesthetic presentation, and the sequencing, I think I would consider this a work of art. link to the page
Thursday, January 22, 2009

floating clouds reprogrammed from the super mario game by cory arcangel; link to arcangel's website below
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