Keith and Mendi Obadike have been creating a certain brand or interactive web-art for a number of years now. The graphic to the left is an image from their web-game titled "The Pink of Stealth - The Fox Hunt". According to the description given by the New Media Art link, the work focuses on and investigates issues and questions of race, age, gender, and sexuality. They do this by weaving simple story lines through a complex combination of the web-based game, hypertext, and an audio mix. When I visited the site, in order to see actually what it had to offer, I'm not sure I quite understood it. I think perhaps my computer is not equipped with some of the correct technologies, in order to be able to view some of the aspects of the site. What I was able to view on the site was the artist's explanation of what they were trying to do through their website, and I was also able to play the game. Although the description of the game given on New Media Art implied a lot more going on than I saw. As far as I could tell the trio of the horse and rider, the fox, and the hound progressed right, across the screen endlessly, passing pond, den, pond, den, etc. If I clicked on the dog, he bit the fox, and the points for "unspeakable" increased by 20. If I clicked on the fox, he seemed to become invisible, and when he came to a den he went inside, or at the water he was impervious, and "uneatable" gained 20 points. This seemed to go on endlessly, and I did not see any hypertext floating across the screen as the description implied their would. I think the idea behind Keith and Mendi Obadike's work is very interesting and important, because the questions raised in these issues is still extremely relevant. However, I was less than satisfied with what I actually found at the website.
link to the website
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