0100101110101101.ORG is an artistic duo made up of Franco Birkut and Eva Mattes. Their "artwork" all seems to be geared to the goal of removing the need for privacy that is so prevalent in human society. And they seek to inspire the world to this destination by providing an extreme example in themselves. From 2000 to 2003, they programmed their computers to display everything that happened on their computers on their website. They completely exposed themselves and any and all personal or "private" information to the public, for them to take it and use it as they will. I think this is all a very interesting proposition, and their work asks a few very serious and probing questions that should be answered. Most likely answers will differ depending on the individual. However, I don't know if I can consider this art. Their is no creation here. What is the actual "work" of art? A three year long progression of information across a computer screen? It seems to me its more of an expression of principle, an experiment of lifestyle. And like I said these questions it asks are very interesting. I think though that I would disagree with them again. I concede that privacy to an extreme will inherently be harmful, because doubt will lead to many misunderstandings if people are not open with each other. But we are individuals. Intelligent beings, with unique psyches all our own, and an extreme in this direction, of utter nakedness, I think should lead to problems as well. As in many things, I think moderation is the best road.
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