Especially here St. Mary's, we have the privilege of seeing bricks everywhere, and they are commonplace and sort of un-extraordinary because of it. When we observe a good work of art, it is inspiring, as before, it "gets us out of here." Can overexposure to a medium or a work remove the inspiring force that is present in said work? Yes, as is true of many things in life. However, does that mean it is not art anymore? No, because the work itself still retains its ability to inspire, even if we are no longer receptive to it. The difference between this section of brick wall and a work of art is purpose. Whoever built this wall was working to construct a solid and safe shelter, inside which students at the college might practice their dance steps or something in the dance studio. In truth, there is most definitely an art to brick laying, and in the act of constructing this strong and safe wall, but the wall in the end, is a wall.
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