These are divots in the island in front of Dorchester. I'm pretty sure that they were made by some type of tractor, in order to turn the ground in preparation for the arrival of springtime. The divots are definitely made in a series of straight lines, and were probably executed systematically. Again, like the brick laying, there is probably an art, a certain talent that allows one to most efficiently ad effectively turn the earth. However, these lines of divots, like the brick wall, is not a work of art, because the work was performed in order to execute a job, not the manifestation of a creative process. Perhaps if the tractor driver had taken the liberty to make some sort of design, abstract or anything, these series of divots could be considered art. Maybe, my picture, if taken from a more unique angle, and given some poetic name, could be considered art in some circles. However, still, the actual divots themselves are still just divots, made in order to produce greener grass on the island, made because someone told someone else to make them so that they could get paid. A job, not a work of art.
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