It's kind of hard to decipher what is written on this white board (located in Dorch 2nd left). I'm pretty sure that "SAVE ROY D" was recently erased from the board. Now, at first glance, the blue markings on the board seem to form some sort of abstract and ambiguous shape. The marks were made by human hands, and were blurred and abstracted by human hands. However, this was not part of creative experience, and as far as I can tell, there was no manner of artistic inspiration that induced the marks to be made on the board. They, and whoever made the marks, are protesting whatever happened to Roy, after an incident I think occurred last semester. This slogan has turned up on boards and posters all over Dorchester. I noticed these markings because at first I could not tell what they had said, and the blurred marks looked cool and interesting to me. After going through the museum of modern art last week, and seeing some of the things that they were displaying as art, I'm sure that this could be considered as such. However, I don't think I would agree with that conclusion. At least the displays in the museum were intended as art. I doubt that when whoever wrote "SAVE ROY D" on the board they were intending it to be a work of art. I think this in itself removes the possibility of something being art. If it was not intended as art, then placing it in the art category is marring its identity I think. Whatever that identity is.
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